I'm constantly trying to live more closely to the creative processes of everything I do. When I was an education facilitator in META, I tried to prepare my classes creatively, following the innovation line, and I try the same every day in my office, with Le Pendant, and in my life in general. I like the ability to have and execute those ideas with the confidence that I can carry them forward.
If you are waiting for inspiration to visit you when you need it, it may not happen, and your project will die. If you need inspiration, I advise you to go out and find it.
Involve all your senses in the creative process. Everything can be a tool in your favor. Everything in your daily life is about creativity. Don't put your mind in a box. Don't become someone who only follows someone else's ideas and rules.
The best idea can come to you. Your hands can build objects, write books, paint art, compose music, or do whatever you want.