It was a strong campaign for lovers of counterfeits. The image shows the "Lady Dior," a handbag whose model is one of the most classic items from Christian Dior. It is a product that was someone's idea, that is someone's intellectual property, but that is sold counterfeit in every corner of the world.
How can we discuss counterfeiting so casually without considering the profound impact on the original creators? Every day, numerous social media pages promote counterfeit goods at 'excellent prices ', but what are consumers really purchasing?
These knock-offs not only devalue the original product but also undermine the creativity and intellectual property of the original designers.
All about this motivated some of the most valuable French luxury brands to decide in 2012 to join forces with Douanes & Droits Indirects (directorate-general of customs and indirect taxes of the French Republic) to give birth to the "Real Ladies Don't Like Fake," an ironical campaign using famous phrases from these brands to raise awareness about the issue. The messages were placed in all airports in France and were mainly focused on travelers since these counterfeits are not usually manufactured in Europe, but they are consumed there.
They think, and I included myself, questioning why you want to support a criminal network with your money. Some may decide this way out of ignorance.
If you read my last article about it (I leave it here), you will know that I had a back-and-forth with a Costa Rican TV presenter who maintains that fakes do not harm anyone. I explained to him that, yes, they do. Counterfeiting is a crime that can lead to penalties for buyers, sellers, and producers.
Although this campaign dates back to 2012, France has kept its guard against this crime within its borders. If you plan to visit the fashion capital and the epicenter of haute couture, buying or transporting a counterfeit product is punishable by up to three years in prison and a fine of up to 300,000 euros. If you bought a luxury item, keep the receipt. If you are considering purchasing a counterfeit item there, it could be more expensive than going to Dior and purchasing the original.
Did you know that Amazon expands its anti-counterfeiting efforts every day? Read more:
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