Something special comes with the new year. It's like a need to change uncomfortable things, disorders, ugliness, or things that don't seem to belong. Your mind is looking for the perfect things that you can create. Creativity blooms, wanting to be shared, the desire to do, to experience surprise, beauty, and change.
It's a new year, and I hope you're open to receiving good things if you deserve them, the best thing the world can offer you if you deserve it. But if you don't, I want to tell you that you can change: in the deep of your soul, your heart has love.
I wish you could be kind, loyal, creative, and grateful. Working in the space you are in, being loyal so that you can keep the best people who come into your life—good and generous people—being creative to design the life you want so you can create new things, products, or systems—I don't know—there are many things you can imagine and create, and lastly, being grateful to get more of it in abundance.
Talk with love and compassion about others, especially your friends and partners. Act with empathy, generosity, and honesty. Be the person who inspires other people with their example. I hope you know you can create and bring your vision to life. Start creating, doing something, learning, searching. You can make a new era for yourself and your entire life.
Start doing what you love, become an artist or writer, start with a career, or learn a new language. Start your business; you can make money; the money comes easy to you. Whatever you dream of, it's possible if you are available to work and flexible about how to do it.
Sometimes, we see the luckiest persons, full of grace and beauty, the sweetest and nicest, and maybe it is just their acts that talk about them—about them being different in a complicated world.
During the rest of your life, but especially starting today, try to ignore the voice in your head saying you can't or you are not enough. Ignore people talking about your past, your body, and lies about you. You are not your past anymore; you can change, be better, improve, and have the right to start again and be forgiven, especially forgiven by yourself.
Thank you for reading Le Pendant for the last few years, wishing you the best.
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